As I'm looking for my reviewing materials I found this notes and I want also to share it to you that shows how great Jesus is.
"There may be another Homer, there maybe another Virgil, there may be another Dante, there maybe another Milton, but there will never be another Jesus. Whatever surprise there maybe in store for the world, Jesus will never surpassed. He is the goal of all goodness, the summit of all thought, the crown of all character and the perfection of all beauty. He is incarnation of all tenderness , the focalization of force , the manifestation of might, the personification of all power, the concentration of all character, the materialization of thought, and the living illustration of all thought ,and the living illustration of all truth .He is the prophecy of man's possibility"
"We behold Him, and in Him we see the realization of all human expectation: a leader greater than Moses, a priest greater that Aaron, a king greater than David, a commander greater than Joshua, a philosopher greater than Solomon and a prophet greater than Elijah. He walks like a man. He talks like God. His words are oracles, His acts miracles. The crown of divinity rests on His brow. The scepter of universal dominion clings to His hand, the eternities flash in His eyes. Eternal rectitude is written in His face: the smile of Jehovah transforms His countenance"
"He is the express image of His Father. Children cluster at His feet. Womanhood instinctively places the crown of purity on His brow. The winds obey Him .A glance from His eyes and crystal waters blush to amber wine. The dead forget themselves and live. The lame leap for joy. Ears which never heard thirst for the very sound of His voice and sightless eyes deny their past and open their drooping lids to the beauty of His presence .Pain, palsied at His touch, vanishes”
"The name of Jesus stands alone .God has given Him a name which is above every name, no creed can contain Him, no catechism can expound Him .Flesh of our very flesh, very God of our very God. To be christian is to live in Christ .Until Him be the glory, dominion and power for ever and ever.
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