Thursday, August 13, 2009

may the Lord's will be done

It really hurts when someone that already seems to be especial would let you go and will leave you empty.

I just woke up one morning that I'm crying, reminiscing all those moments we have shared. Its hard to accept but we need to.I just need to understand that he need to give focus on his ministry and give his full time to serve God. I know in the fist place, when time comes that he need to make a choice I know that it will be his ministry would take first and be his priority. I’m still blessed that God gave me a person that I would love and share of my life. It’s a good thing that I've met like him not just an ordinary Christian but a true servant of God, a youth pastor and sooner to be a Pastor.

It just a little bit of sacrifice as we said, "four years”., could we surpassed this? Many questions that bother us, whether we could really wait and the affection would just be the same after four years. We need to take finish first our obligations and all those commitments, studies and ministry. We need to give time and need a focus for all of these to attain our goals and dreams in life. It always seems to be a part, to be hurt, and to sacrifice. We need to lose first before we gained. One way that will test us, that despite of distant the love would just be the same as it is before.

Everything is constantly changing. Only God knows what his very precious plan for us.

Learn to have faith, and have trust and patiently wait.

There's a time for everything as Ecclesiastes had mention today is time to mourn and weep ,some other time its a bliss and eternal joy.

As Matthew 6:33 says seek first the kingdom of God and all these shall be added unto you .And I know that we made the right choice, serve God first and whatever we had lost now will just be given best in the right time.


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